Thursday, October 06, 2005


Team 4 Wednesday - from Brad

Hey all:

Today was a beautiful day. We had quite a procession. All of our team, Over 40 people, 7 cars, a Bobcat, a pressure washer, all kinds of other stuff. We went to the Carrollton Church of Christ. The church has put out a plea for help. When the water inside the church receded the church pews literally exploded into a twisted mess of wood. The building was in terrible shape.

The picture of the suits show temporary HAZMAT suits for working in the terrible moldy conditions in a lot of areas. We had many wearing them and carrying out all kinds of stuff. We also put a group next door and 8 down the street to a duplex. The duplex only had to have the bottom four feet of drywall removed and no ceilings. It made the work easier until the hardwood floors had to be removed. It got done but it was very hard work for the team.

We had a great meal tonight and everyone is bonding well after a hard day’s work all together. We are sitting in the hallway now as we speak and everyone is exhausted but feeling so good. It was nice helping the church today, but yesterday’s work with Dee still is so powerful in my mind.

I want to encourage all of you reading this to consider coming here with as much of your family as can be here who can be productive and safe. It has been so wonderful working with my wife and daughter in this work for the Lord. Most of you know that Amy and I are active in many ministries at the Church but truly I have been blessed by seeing Jesus in her and Whitney’s hands and feet.

It is time for bed as we have a big day of finishing the church tomorrow and I hear we are taking on two more projects as well. This week has been an experience we will remember as long as we are alive and able. Please know I consider it a privilege to have been here to sweat, hurt my back, ache in my shoulders and receive some of the best hugs I have ever had.

I look forward to returning and begin planning future trips.


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