Friday, October 14, 2005


Current Needs List from Louisiana

I built a consolidated list and ran it by Tammany Oaks today. Here is the up to date list of requested items:

Water and Gatorade (still needed for areas just opening up to residents)

Food boxed to feed a family of 4 or 5 for a day. Some "MREs" (requires no cooking or refrigeration)

As many volunteers as possible to go for a week beginning on these dates: Nov 5, Dec 3, Dec 26th – Jan 2, Jan 14, Feb 4, Mar 4, and April 1 (no foolin :-)

Additional $50,000 in donations to fund the trips so that the volunteers have 0 financial pain
Gatoraid and water to cover volunteer's needs

Skilled trades people to go for 1 month trips with funding to cover their lost income and expenses

Cleanup supplies like:
Construction supplies like:
Odd request - Church pews. At least one Church in Slidel and one in New Orleans have had pews destroyed by flooding.

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