Friday, September 23, 2005


Week 2 team exit status

This entry will update as we get news from the team returning and stay at the top of the blog.

@12:59, Saturday, most of the team is already in their beds after arriving at about 12:25am. I'll point out that ETA stands for Estimated Time of Arrival ;-) Thank you Lord for returning our loved ones, friends, and family to us safely. We appreciate their heart and are so satisfied to do this work in your name. Tonight, we lift up the people we have been and will continue to meet that need us to be your hands and feet on earth. We pray for their safety and recovery as they weather yet another powerful and malicious storm. We ask that you use us to do your will and be salt and light to them. And we thank you for the opportunity to serve. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

@12:03, Saturday, The boys (and girls) are back in town. They'll be at the building in minutes. WOOHOO!

@7:40, Friday, the team is passing Louisville.

@5:30, Friday the team was 76 miles from Louisville, Kentucky. Current ETA is 10:30pm.

@2:15pm, Friday the team has crossed into Tennessee and trucking their way home.

@12:30pm, Friday the team left Birmingham iHop after a tire repair on the bus.

@8:00am, Friday the team was up and around repacking and then heading for home. Birmingham is normally 10 hours from Columbus, but given the pace of the caravan, they should arrive sometime after 8:00 tonight.

@1:20am, Friday the team arrived in Birmingham to spend the night.

@10:52, Thursday the team is now 56 miles from Tuscaloosa, 15 mile inside the Alabama State line in I-59. Current ETA for Birmingham is near midnight Central Time.

@ 8:45, Thursday they had made it to Hattiesburg, Mississippi and were on Interstate 59 headed for their overnight in Birmingham. They took on gas on their way out of Mandeville and avoided the highway backups by taking side roads. North of Hattiesburg, they have found no traffic problems. If their pace is good (and bladder capacity) they'll make it into Homewood Church of Christ aroung 11:00 central time.

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