Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Team 1 - Day 2 in the field from Troy

Everyone arrived safely to a mass of products moving in and out of this place. We first set up base camp and got everything set up. Steve and Steven Fuch immediately went to work cutting trees and cleaning up homes. Gary's sister from Slidel was waiting for him and he spent the day helping them clean up their property. Robin and I unloaded the big pick up and the big trailer and got established with Todd. Robin was sent on a mission I am unsure of and will let him tell you about. Our ladies and girls went right to work handing out "family boxes". These are boxes of items that have food supplies for a family of five each weighing around 60 pounds. They packed and handed out around 120 of them. They also handed out personal need items, cleaning supplies, and linens. When they closed the doors, they stayed and packed another 75 or so boxes for tomorrow. Justin, Morgen, Chris and I took a truck loaded with medical supplies and made emergency deliveries to area hospitals and rehab centers in the area. The people here were excited to see Jimmy as he is an electrician and spent his day going out to members homes restoring their power and making their homes inhabitalble again. Needless to say, nobody was for want of something to do.

After the work ended, everyone headed for the showers and cleaned up. With our delay in travel, this was the first time in over 36 hours. We ended our day with a devotional. Chris and Morgen and Chris lead a few songs, Justin lead a prayer, and I shared a devotional thought. With so much to be done, it is hard to tell if we are making a dent, but the faces of the people we are seeing assure us that God is doing a great work here. Looking back on the day and some to the conversations with the "leaders" of the operation, it is evermore apparent that the most flexible and needed commodity here is cash and manpower.

Tomorrow will be another day with the possibility of going out to see some of the more effected areas. We'll keep you posted and please continue to pray for us as we pray for you.

I think that about sums up the message from last night and I will have the teens redo their bloggings when we get together tonight.

Love 'Em Like Jesus,
Troy Blair, Youth Minister

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