Thursday, September 22, 2005


Stories from the Field, Week 2

Tim hines led the devo Wednesday morning talked about helping a homeless man/group of them and going home to give them his second hand things but on the way God convicted him of the first fruits concept where the Israelites were commanded to give the first of their crops before they took any, so Tim ended up loading up his truck with the new tents, camping stuff so they got the best not secondhand stuff. Tim encouraged the group to give of our first fruits. I’ll tell the rest of the story later. Kenny

Tim Hines also told about a couple days ago about some of our people helping a family that had lost their entire mobile home and belongs—they were very poor and no insurance and lived in tents and had no hope of anything better. Our people left there and not far away was a million dollar house with no visiable damage the relief people saw them out and asked them if there was anything they needed anyway. They said they could use bleach so the relief people gave them a couple of gallons of bleach. These people were so impressed by the giving attitude that they came to the church a few days later and said they had purchased a brand new motor home and they wanted to help by giving it away to someone in need. It was a 300,000.00 mobile home. You can guess who got it. The family who lost their mobile home and had been living in a tent! That is what God is doing here!


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